
September 2010

Vibrant Victoria

Victoria BC Panorama

Victoria, British Columbia

First, thank you so much to everybody for the Happy Wedding Wishes!  Tim and I are plunging into the planning and more details will be coming soon!



Now to Victoria!  You hear the rumors, you see the pictures, but nothing prepares you for the experience of certain places.  Victoria is one of those places.  Tim and I were both astonished by how much we enjoyed this vibrant city.  We arrived on Monday the 6th and immediately searched for the closest Oyster bar for some shucking.  We were craving some fresh seafood.

Inner Harbor

Inner Harbor

We were not to be disappointed.  Down the street from Parliament, we found the The Oyster.  Here we sat down for Victoria’s best deal – A Buck a Shuck for 12 delicious slippery sliders.  It was a perfect intro to the town.